Police Firearms Instructor Course
November 4-8, 2024
Upper Macungie Township Police Department
This 5-day, 40-hour course will certify the successful attendee to train law enforcement and security officers in the use of the semi-automatic pistol and pump-action shotgun. Attendance is restricted to law enforcement officers.
Instructor: The lead instructor is Emanuel (“Manny”) Kapelsohn, a nationally-recognized firearms trainer and use of force consultant. A firearms instructor for the past 46 years, he has been certified to instruct by the FBI, NRA, PA MPOETC, New Jersey Police Training Commission, and others. (The Peregrine Corporation is a MPOETC-approved provider of firearms instructor training.) Kapelsohn has achieved instructor certifications in handgun, shotgun, patrol rifle, counter-sniper rifle, submachine gun, baton, pepper spray, Taser Master Instructor, less lethal impact munitions, defensive tactics, weapon retention, FATS, and psychomotor skill design, and is certified in executive protection, shooting scene reconstruction,
pursuit and counter-terrorist driving, as a Force Science Analyst, and as an Advanced Specialist in Force Science. He has served on the Board of Directors of the International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors for 37 years, is that association’s 1 st Vice President, and has been a regular presenter at regional, national and international police training conferences, including ASLET, NCJA, IALEFI, and ILEETA. A graduate of Yale University and Harvard Law School, he is a practicing attorney, and has served as an expert witness in firearms, police training, and use of force in state and federal courts nationwide for the past 41 years, including in many high-profile cases. He has authored over 120 published articles and longer works in the field of firearms, training, and use of force. Agencies for which he has trained and certified firearms instructors and armorers include the New York State Police, NYPD, Louisiana State Police, Oregon State Police, Missouri Highway Patrol, Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police, Toronto Metropolitan Police Dignitary Protection Unit and Emergency Task Force, Calgary Police Service Tactical Unit, and the police departments of Philadelphia, Trenton, Jersey City, Baltimore, Miami, Jacksonville, Seattle, Phoenix, Dallas, Salt Lake County, and many others. He was a Staff Instructor at the American Pistol Institute (“Gunsite”) under Col. Jeff Cooper, and an instructor at the Allentown Police Academy for eight years. He has been a reserve deputy sheriff for 26 years in the two states in which he has lived during that time.
Course Description: Topics addressed will be firearms safety, officer-involved shooting characteristics and gunfight stress effects, theory of training physical skills, principles of adult learning, teaching methods for classroom and range, documentation of training, legal liability issues, selection of firearms, holsters, and ammunition, incapacitation and other effects of bullet wounds, mental conditioning, firearms handling techniques, marksmanship, and basic tactics. Students will fire daylight qualification courses with handgun and shotgun, and a dim-light course with handgun. Qualification courses will be provided to attendees in advance of the class, and students are expected to score 80% or higher on the daylight handgun course on the first day of class to remain in the class. (75% is the qualifying score normally required for in-service
police officers not seeking to become instructors.) A 90% or higher is required by the end of the week to successfully complete the course. Students will perform student teaching in the classroom and on the range, will work in a small group to develop a tactical drill and document it in a lesson plan, and are required to pass a written test. Class will be supported by a 3-ring binder of written materials, a thumb-drive with additional articles and instructor resources, PowerPoint presentations, and videos of police use of force incidents. Range exercises will include use of steel targets and a decision-making target system. Course hours are 0800-1700, with later hours one day – probably Wednesday or Thursday (1300-2100) -- to allow for
dim-light training. Course fee is $695.
Student Equipment Required: Ear protection, eye protection of wraparound or side-panel design (ANSI Z87.1 or higher protection level recommended), and a baseball cap or brimmed hat; semiautomatic service pistol (not a competition-customized race gun) with at least 3 magazines; duty belt; holster; double or triple magazine pouch, handcuffs and pouch; high-intensity flashlight; at least 800 rounds of new, factory-loaded training ammunition (no reloads or “remanufactured” ammunition allowed); at least 20 dummy rounds in the caliber of your service pistol; and pump-action 12-gauge shotgun with sling – a sling is required! (Semiautomatic police shotguns are acceptable, but training will focus on the pump-action.) Some means of carrying spare shotgun ammunition that facilitates reloading (e.g., side-saddle, speed-feed stock, belt pouch, plastic 2-shell belt holders, etc.). Weapon-mounted light on shotgun is desirable but not required. 75 rounds of low-powered lead (not steel) birdshot (#6, #7.5 or #8), 25 rounds of 00 buckshot, 20 rounds of rifled slugs. Note-taking materials. Laptop optional, but may be helpful in class or at home for creating lesson plans and doing other homework assignments. Clothing for the weather, including rain gear; water bottle, beverages, snacks, sunscreen and insect repellent recommended.
Questions about the Course? Contact Manny Kapelsohn, peregrine@ptd.net, or cell phone 610-360-7053.​
Registration Form -
Police Firearms Instructor Course
November 4-8 2024
Please return this registration form per attendee, together with your check or department purchase order in the amount of $695.00 per attendee payable to "Peregrine Corporation", to:
The Peregrine Corporation, 1636 N. Cedar Crest Blvd. #320, Allentown, PA 18104.
You will receive an email confirming receipt of your registration and your place in the class, and providing further information.