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In response to the threat from active shooters, terrorists, and other criminals, thousands of houses of worship throughout the United States have formed armed congregant security teams.  Such teams should have written policies regarding their firearms training and use, and use of non-lethal or less lethal force methods as well.  Written by one of the country’s leading firearms instructors, expert witnesses, and use of force experts with over 40 years’ experience training thousands of law enforcement and security officers, firearms instructors and armed citizens – including house of worship armed congregant security teams -- this product includes a comprehensive, computer-fillable sample Policy PDF (over 33 pages long), 20 pages of Comments to help the purchaser appreciate the purpose and significance of various Policy sections, and a comprehensive introduction.  Used successfully for years by houses of worship and other organizations, this Policy is not legal advice, but provides essential education, guidance and information in forming, training, and supervising an armed congregant security team.


House of Worship Firearms Use of Force Policy Bundle

  • The author of the Policy you have purchased is Emanuel Kapelsohn, an honors graduate of Yale University (1974) and Harvard Law School (1977) who has practiced law since 1978 in New York, Pennsylvania, and other states. Through his company, The Peregrine Corporation, he has, over the past 46 years, trained and certified some 18,000 law enforcement firearms instructors and armorers for major law enforcement agencies, as well as training police and security officers and private citizens in the defensive use of firearms.  He has been certified as a firearms instructor by the FBI, the NRA’s Law Enforcement Activities Division, the New Jersey Police Training Commission, the Pennsylvania Municipal Police Officers Education & Training Commission, Glock, HK, and others. He has served on the Board of Directors of the International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors (“IALEFI”) for the past 38 years, the last 10 years as that association’s 1st Vice President.  He was a Staff Instructor at Gunsite under Col. Jeff Cooper, has authored over 130 articles and longer works in the firearms field, and is a consultant to major manufacturers of firearms, holsters and related products.  He has served as an expert witness nationwide for over 40 years in state and federal court cases involving firearms and use of force.  He has organized, trained, and served with armed congregant security teams for several houses of worship, and has taught on that subject at national and international law enforcement training conferences

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